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Hidden Expedition: Devils Triangle
Hidden Expedition: Devils Triangle
Explore the mysterious Devil`s Triangle!
Help Felix Find a Cure
Help Felix Find a Cure
Help Felix Find A Cure!
Reality Show: Fatal Shot
Reality Show: Fatal Shot
Uncover the truth behind a shocking murder aired on TV.
The Clumsys 2: Butterfly Effect
The Clumsys 2: Butterfly Effect
Can you help Helen correct history?
Brrrmuda Triangle
Brrrmuda Triangle
Freeze the island and win!

Here are games like Hidden Expedition: Devils Triangle, Help Felix Find a Cure, Reality Show: Fatal Shot, The Clumsys 2: Butterfly Effect, Brrrmuda Triangle, etc. You can download all games and try them. Please write your impressions about the games you play and post your mini-reviews on the review pages of the games.

  • Hidden Expedition: Devils Triangle
    Follow the Hidden Expedition Adventure Team to Devil`s Triangle and help track down Phoebe, a famous ace pilot lost at sea!
  • Help Felix Find a Cure
    Help Felix Find a Cure (Educational game)
    In support of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we invite you to join Felix and Big Fish Games in our mission to raise $100,000!
  • Reality Show: Fatal Shot
    After a man is murdered on a hit reality TV show, you are called in to uncover the truth behind the crime.
  • The Clumsys 2: Butterfly Effect
    The Clumsys 2: Butterfly Effect (Hidden Objects game)
    Who knew a single butterfly not flapping its wings would cause a chain reaction through time? Can you help Helen correct history?
  • Brrrmuda Triangle
    Brrrmuda Triangle (Puzzle game)
    Explore the sunny, mysterious island and freeze everything in your path. Use your trusty freeze ray to overcome the obstacles.
  • Mystery of the Missing Brigantine
    Jack Haniken and his friend Elizabeth have gotten themselves in a dangerous situation and it’s up to you to save them!
  • Labyrinths of the World: Fool's Gold Collector's Edition
    Can you save your friend before your luck runs out?
  • TeKKOut
    TeKKOut (Action game)
    Tekkout is a nice and fast breakout style game with 75 levels and many extras including powerups
  • Home Sweet Home
    Listen and learn about your client`s tastes, create fabulous designs, and then direct your team to build!
  • Governor of Poker
    Governor of Poker (Card game)
    Battle your way in poker tournaments to buy houses and means of transport to get you everywhere in Texas.

All the games are free to download. You can download any of the games listed here for free and play them for sixty minutes for free.

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