White Fuzzy Games

Mahjong Magic Journey

Mahjong Magic Journey

Mahjong Magic Journey Game Overview

A slew of magical pets has been stolen, and it's up to you to rescue them from the tenacious claws of the crafty thief! Follow the trail of the cunning crook who committed this audacious crime, open the cages and free the pets! Enjoy fantastic animals and breathtaking scenes of a magical world as you embark on an enchanted Mahjong Magic Journey!

  • More than 100 original levels
  • Unlockable achievements
  • Fantastic animals and magical world

Mahjong Magic Journey screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Mahjong Magic Journey screenshot
Mahjong Magic Journey screenshot
Mahjong Magic Journey screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Mahjong Magic Journey is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Mahjong Magic Journey and if you would like to purchase it.

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