White Fuzzy Games

Love's Epitaph

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Love's Epitaph

Love's Epitaph Game Overview

Love's Epitaph follows the journey of a woman named Lysa who is being pursued by a shadowy organization. Soon, a protector appears to defend her at all costs. Together they must seek help from others while trying to discover the mysteries behind their pursuit in this exciting Role Playing Game.

  • Several unique skills
  • Charming atmosphere
  • Beautiful music

Love's Epitaph screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Love's Epitaph screenshot
Love's Epitaph screenshot
Love's Epitaph screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Love's Epitaph is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Love's Epitaph and if you would like to purchase it.

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