White Fuzzy Games

Hotel Dash: Suite Success

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Hotel Dash: Suite Success

Hotel Dash: Suite Success Game Overview

When Quinn’s new travel business hits a snag, she needs Flo’s patented elbow grease to help renovate and run hotels all over DinerTown! Experience a Hotel Dash as you deliver guest’s luggage, drop off room service and provide extra towels and blankets! Along the way you will use your tips to decorate and restore each hotel back to its original charm. Watch out for the mysterious mishaps and accidents that threaten your progress in this fast-paced Time Management game!

  • Gripping gameplay
  • Powerful upgrades
  • Go on a Hotel Dash!

Hotel Dash: Suite Success screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Hotel Dash: Suite Success screenshot
Hotel Dash: Suite Success screenshot
Hotel Dash: Suite Success screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Hotel Dash: Suite Success is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Hotel Dash: Suite Success and if you would like to purchase it.

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