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Dream Catchers: The Beginning

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Dream Catchers: The Beginning

Dream Catchers: The Beginning Game Overview

Since your sister Mia took a teaching job at a private boarding school for girls she has kept in touch by sending hand written letters. When months go by without any contact you decide that it's time to visit her. While approaching the school grounds a dark figure suddenly obstructs the road and in an attempt to avoid the figure you find yourself plummeting into a ravine. You awake to find the dark figure standing in front you for only an instant before it disappears. To save Mia, you'll have to explore the school grounds and learn to use a mysterious amulet that allows you to enter the dreams of the residents. But why are they all sleeping? When entering another's dreams, you'll have to play by a different set of rules. Use the tools at your disposal to traverse dream worlds and save your sister!

  • Experience the mysteries of the dream world
  • Enter other's dreams to save your sister
  • Solve the mystery of the sleeping residents

Dream Catchers: The Beginning screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Dream Catchers: The Beginning screenshot
Dream Catchers: The Beginning screenshot
Dream Catchers: The Beginning screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Dream Catchers: The Beginning is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Dream Catchers: The Beginning and if you would like to purchase it.

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