White Fuzzy Games

Day D: Time Mayhem

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Day D: Time Mayhem

Day D: Time Mayhem Game Overview

You’ve tripped into history and fallen straight into prehistoric times! Hordes of powerful dinosaurs present a constant threat to your time machine. Just one rogue reptile could render your machine useless and ruin your chances of ever returning home! But to be armed with knowledge is to be armed and very dangerous. Build towers, collect resources, and use the power of science and technology to win the uncompromising battle for survival of the species! Find out who’s stronger—the technology of the future, or brute force!

  • Discover a unique world of 20 levels
  • Collect fearsome weapons and rare fossils
  • Original opponents and fearsome bosses await!

Day D: Time Mayhem screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Day D: Time Mayhem screenshot
Day D: Time Mayhem screenshot
Day D: Time Mayhem screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Day D: Time Mayhem is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Day D: Time Mayhem and if you would like to purchase it.

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