White Fuzzy Games

Planet Driller

Planet Driller

Planet Driller Game Overview

Planet Driller is an exciting mining game where you need to find dark matter to save the earth. Drill your way through a procedurally generated planet full of minerals that you can sell for cash. Use the cash to upgrade your ship with all sorts of helpful tools. Planet Earth needs the recently discovered dark matter only found in another galaxy. You are sent to drill a distant planet’s surface to find it and save the world!

  • Procedurally generated world
  • Dynamic economy based on supply and demand
  • Ambient music

Planet Driller screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Planet Driller screenshot
Planet Driller screenshot
Planet Driller screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Planet Driller is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Planet Driller and if you would like to purchase it.

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