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House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding

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House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding

House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding Game Overview

How will you plan a kitty kat wedding? Felicity and Mr. Bones are in love, but a cat's budget is tight. Select and buy items for their wedding with the money you earn finding hidden objects and solving puzzles. The eccentric Larry will help you along the way, as you rummage through his cluttered House of Wonders and discover the oddities within! There are thousands of possible happy endings. Create the perfect one today!

House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding screenshots. Click to enlarge.
House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding screenshot
House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding screenshot
House of Wonders: The Kitty Kat Wedding screenshot

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