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Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween

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Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween

Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween Game Overview

Meet Lemuel Barnabas. He is not the protagonist of our story, but just look at him, he's scrappy and funny, talks to himself, likes music and long walks behind the bar. In a word, he is quite mad, but as mad as he is, he's the one you come to for help. Help? What happened? You didn't hear? Apparently there is this thing called Halloween. I know, I know, it sounds stupid. But there's candy involved! Now I have your attention. The city of Dern is ostracized from the Halloween community. Everyone around you seems to know something about it, but you're a boy, nobody is going to tell you. In this step away from the classic hidden object game, take things into your own hands and find out whatever happened to Halloween in Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween!

  • Adventure and casual mode
  • Challenging puzzles and mini-games
  • Ludicrous comments and imaginative characters

Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween screenshots. Click to enlarge.
Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween screenshot
Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween screenshot
Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween screenshot

Here at White Fuzzy Games Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween is available for free download. You can play the downloaded copy of the game with full experiance for 60 minutes for free. After that you are to decide whether you liked Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween and if you would like to purchase it.

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